(972) 919-0010 Appointment

Tummy Tuck in Prosper, TX

Cosmetic Surgery For
A Sculpted Waistline

Tummy Tuck at Prosper Plastic Surgery

Sometimes, having it all means having less. This can be especially true around the midsection, where excess skin and fat can distract from the look we want for ourselves. At Prosper Plastic Surgery in Prosper, TX, board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan delivers Tummy Tucks perfectly sculpted to your body to achieve the desired effect. For a body contouring experience tailor-made to your waistline, schedule your consultation with Dr. Wan at Prosper Plastic Surgery.

Achieve a Flatter, Thinner Midsection

What is an Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?

A tummy tuck removes the excess skin and fat in the abdominal area and smooths out the general appearance of the abdomen. In the case of women who have had prior pregnancies, a tummy tuck also retightens the abdominal muscles underneath, which may have been separated or stretched out during pregnancy (‘rectus diastasis’).

At its best, tummy tucks address the parts of the waistline that are difficult or impossible to improve via diet and exercise alone: stubborn fat, stretched muscles, and sagging skin. Dr. Wan adapts each tummy tuck to her patient’s needs — from a standard tummy tuck to fix sagging skin and fat along the midsection to an extended tummy tuck that also addresses the flanks and sides.

Trim, Taut, Terrific

What are the advantages of a Tummy Tuck?

Aside from a flatter and smoother-appearing midsection, a significant advantage of undergoing a tummy tuck is the improvement in physical discomfort. Excess skin and fat in the abdominal area can cause discomfort, especially when engaging in physical activities or everyday movements. A tummy tuck removes this excess tissue, improving movement and posture and allowing clothes to fit better.

Another advantage is the long-lasting results of a tummy tuck. Unlike temporary weight loss solutions, a tummy tuck provides permanent results as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with excess skin. Aside from physical benefits, there are also emotional advantages to having a tummy tuck. Many individuals report feeling more confident and happy with their body image after the surgery, leading to a more positive outlook in their personal and/or professional lives.

Prosper Tummy Tuck Model in white clothes

From Folds to Fabulous

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

Ultimately, the decision to undergo a tummy tuck is a personal one that should be carefully considered. Consulting with a trusted and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Wan can help you make an informed decision and achieve your desired results. Whether for aesthetic or functional reasons, a tummy tuck can greatly improve one's physical and emotional well-being. If you are considering a tummy tuck, take your first step and schedule a consultation with Dr. Dinah Wan today.

Prosper Tummy Tuck Model in tan clothes

A Whole New Look and Feel

Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

Dr. Wan performs her tummy tucks under general anesthesia. The Tummy Tuck procedure begins with a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen, which Dr. Wan makes sure is carefully hidden beneath the bikini line whenever possible. The length of the incision depends on how much correction the patient desires. It can extend from hip to hip for a standard tummy tuck, or go slightly into the back or flanks for an extended tummy tuck. This gives Dr. Wan the versatility to create a cohesive and slenderizing look all around as she eliminates excess tissue and repairs muscle along the abdominal wall, as well as addressing the flanks and sides.

Once finished with tissue removal and muscle repair, Dr. Wan works on creating a natural-looking belly button for a beautiful final result. Your incision will be closed with multiple layers of sutures to optimize healing, scarring, and final contour. After all surgical dressings are applied, you will be placed in an abdominal binder for comfort and compression.

Time to Rest

Tummy Tuck Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery time from a tummy tuck ranges from two to three weeks. Patients will need to take time off work, avoid strenuous activities, and follow strict care instructions for several weeks after the surgery. Dr. Wan will meet with patients during the recovery and aftercare process as deemed necessary to ensure the best possible chance at a healthy and speedy recovery.

Following the initial recovery after a Tummy Tuck Prosper patients should be able to resume most normal, non-strenuous daily activities, although it could take up to six weeks or longer to be able to feel comfortable exercising again. It is important not to rush your recovery and to take the time your body needs to heal. As the swelling goes down, you should be able to enjoy the enhanced results of your tummy tuck within three months in most cases.

Flaunt Your Flat Belly

Tummy Tuck Results

While it will take some time for your body to recover, you’ll be able to see immediately that much of the excess skin and fat around the midsection is no longer there (even though the final results will be hard to see because of initial swelling.) As the swelling subsides, you’ll see a firmer, flatter midsection begin to emerge. Your skin will feel tighter, your abdomen will appear more toned, and you’ll see better definition in the areas targeted for your tummy tuck.

These results can last for decades with proper diet, nutrition, and exercise, making a tummy tuck a life-changing positive experience that will change the way you see yourself and open new opportunities for you — from the clothes you can wear to the activities you can enjoy. Schedule your Prosper tummy tuck consultation today to learn more about how this procedure can help you improve your daily life.

Tummy Tuck
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Tummy tucks are a quintessential part of multiple combination procedures, including the mommy makeover, which is often a bespoke combination of tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, and/or breast augmentation.

While most patients heal uneventfully from a tummy tuck, as with any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck has potential risks and complications. These can include delayed wound healing, seroma, hematoma, or blood clots. Dr. Wan will give you careful pre- and post-operative instructions to help minimize the risk for complications. She will also assess your overall health and candidacy for surgery in your initial consultation. It is Dr. Wan’s ultimate priority to keep you safe throughout your surgery journey.

Many individuals choose to have a tummy tuck for various reasons. Some may have struggled with excess abdominal tissue their entire lives and want to finally achieve a flatter stomach. Women who have had prior pregnancies may have loose skin and stretched out abdominal muscles that have not improved despite diet and exercise. Others may have recently lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose skin that cannot be eliminated. For some, excess tissue in the abdominal or pubic region area can also lead to skin irritation and discomfort.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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