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Breast Augmentation With Lift in Prosper, TX

Confident Curves

Breast Augmentation With Lift at Prosper Plastic Surgery

You deserve to love your body at every age. Breast augmentation with lift is a comprehensive procedure that enhances breast volume through the placement of implants while lifting the breasts to a more youthful position and tightening the breast skin envelope. This highly nuanced procedure demands an in-depth understanding of breast anatomy and the opposing forces created by the weight of the implant on the lifted breast tissue.

It is a favorite procedure of board-certified female plastic surgeon Dinah Wan, MD, who has published on its surgical techniques in peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. To embrace your most confident, feminine curves, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Wan of Prosper Plastic Surgery today.

The Art of Enhancement

What is a Breast Augmentation With Lift?

Breast augmentation with lift, also known as augmentation-mastopexy, combines two common breast enhancement techniques: breast augmentation and breast lift.

Breast augmentation involves the placement of implants to increase breast fullness and improve shape, while a breast lift focuses on lifting and reshaping breasts and tightening the skin envelope around the implant. We work with a full range of breast implant types, sizes, and profiles. Combining these procedures provides fuller, more youthful-looking breasts with improved position and contour. This approach is particularly beneficial for women who desire both increased breast volume, especially upper pole fullness, and correction of breast sagging, which often results from aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight change.

Embrace Feminine Beauty

What are the benefits of a Breast Augmentation With Lift?

Breast augmentation with lift is a personalized approach to rejuvenating the size, shape, and position of your breasts. Here are a few ways that this procedure can benefit those seeking a more shapely and balanced contour:

  • Enhanced Breast Size and Shape: Address volume loss and sagging simultaneously to provide fuller, shapelier breasts. 
  • More Youthful, Balanced Contours: Correct asymmetry and elevate the breasts to a more youthful position, creating more upper pole fullness. 
  • Improved Nipple Position: Reposition sagging or downward-pointing nipples. 
  • Customizable: Tailor the size, profile, and placement of implants to match your individual aesthetic goals.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Enjoy results that can last for years with proper care and maintenance.
Breast Augmentation With Lift  Prosper

Elevate Your Expectations

Your Breast Augmentation With Lift Consultation

If you are considering a breast augmentation with lift, it’s important to research potential surgeons and select a highly qualified provider you trust. Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan brings years of experience, skill, and a highly personalized approach to every patient and procedure. She specializes in the breast augmentation with lift procedure, blending technical finesse with a bespoke approach inspired by your vision for your transformation. To discuss your goals with Dr. Wan, call our office or complete our online form and schedule your consultation today.

Breast Augmentation With Lift  Prosper

Artistry Inspired
by You

Your Breast Augmentation With Lift Procedure

General anesthesia is administered for your comfort and safety during the procedure. Most patients are in surgery for around three hours. You will be able to return home the same day, but you’ll need to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you and, ideally, help around the house for the first day or two of early recovery. Once you are comfortably asleep, Dr. Wan carefully creates the surgical incisions. Dr. Wan first creates a pocket in the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle to accommodate your implants. With implant sizers in place, Dr. Wan then creates the breast lift incisions to tailor the best breast shape around the implants. These are some of the most common incision patterns for a breast augmentation with lift:

  • Periareolar Incision: Around the edge of the areola, where the darker skin meets the lighter breast skin. 
  • Vertical Incision (Lollipop Incision): Around the areola and vertically down the lower portion of the breast. 
  • Anchor or Wise Pattern Incision: Combining the lollipop or vertical incision with an extension along the fold beneath the breast (inframammary fold), this incision pattern resembles an anchor shape.

The type and location of incisions depend on the degree of breast sagging, your desired implant size, and your individual anatomy. For the breast lift component, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is reshaped and repositioned to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance. Once the breast lift is completed, the incisions are meticulously closed, and dressings and surgical tape are applied. You are then monitored closely during the initial recovery period to ensure comfort and optimal healing.

Essential Healing

Breast Augmentation With Lift Recovery and Aftercare

After a breast augmentation with lift, you should plan for at least two weeks of downtime, followed by a gradual return to various activity levels over the first three to six weeks post-surgery. Dr. Wan takes a meticulous approach to post-operative care, checking your healing at multiple scheduled follow-up appointments and offering ongoing guidance and support. Post-surgical swelling, bruising, and discomfort should diminish significantly after the first week, but it will take some time for the implants to fully settle so that you can see your final results.

Love Your Look

Breast Augmentation With Lift Results

Dr. Wan’s patients tend to be extremely satisfied with their decision to have a breast augmentation with lift, enjoying a flattering figure enhancement and reduction in concerns like sagging, asymmetry, and lax contours. Get ready to enjoy the confidence boost that comes with fuller, more lifted breasts that complement your figure. You may enjoy a wider range of clothing options and a more positive self-image in both your personal and professional life. The results of the procedure are long-lasting, with many patients enjoying the benefits of their enhanced breast appearance for a decade or longer. You can trust Dr. Wan’s expertise to craft results you can love for years to come.

Breast Augmentation With Lift
Frequently Asked Questions

You may be a good candidate for breast augmentation with a lift if you're unhappy with the size, shape, or position of your breasts. Factors such as breast asymmetry, sagging, or loss of volume are typical indications for this combined procedure. Ideal candidates are generally in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. A consultation with Dr. Wan is essential to determine your candidacy based on your specific anatomy and goals.

Surgical scars are expected after breast augmentation with lift, but their visibility varies depending on incision placement and individual healing. Scars also fade with time with proper care. Dr. Wan minimizes scarring by placing incisions strategically, such as around the areola and along the breast crease. Scar management techniques recommended by Dr. Wan optimize healing and minimize their appearance.

Recovery after breast augmentation with a lift typically takes several weeks. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort during the initial days post-surgery. Most individuals can resume light activities within a week but should avoid strenuous exercise for about four to six weeks. Full recovery, including the settling of implants and resolution of swelling, may take several months.

Breast augmentation with lift is a nuanced procedure that demands skill and experience to deliver the best results. For this reason, it’s important to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in augmentation mastopexy and other breast procedures. It’s a good idea to schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to discuss your goals, concerns, and surgical options. For patients in Prosper and beyond, Dr. Wan brings a wealth of experience, an attentive, personalized approach, and a passion for providing exceptional care that delivers high-quality results.

The cost of breast augmentation with a lift depends on the type of implants chosen, the specifics of your surgery, and other individual factors. Once you have had a consultation with Dr. Wan to discuss your needs and preferences, she will be able to provide you with a personalized treatment plan and estimate of associated costs.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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