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Lip Lift in Prosper, TX

Unveil Your Most Alluring Smile

Lip Lift at Prosper Plastic Surgery

Some people are born with naturally thin lips, while others see the volume and youthful contours of their lips diminish with age. The skin above the lip is a common place for time to leave its mark. This area of skin can elongate over time, creating an aged appearance.

A lip lift is a surgical procedure that enhances the upper lip by reducing the distance between the lip’s upper border and the nose, lifting the lip so that more of the pigmented area shows. The result is a fuller-appearing upper lip, a more shapely lip border, and improved upper tooth show—subtle enhancements that lend youthful allure and harmony to your features. Read on to learn more about the lip lift procedure, or schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Wan of Prosper Plastic Surgery to discuss how this procedure may benefit you.

Subtly Striking

What is a Lip Lift?

Your lips are a focal point of your face. Shapely lips can elevate the appearance of all your features. Many people see volume loss in their lips due to aging, while others have naturally thin lips. Dermal fillers offer a temporary way to boost and define lip contours and are a great option for many people, especially patients wishing to “test drive” lip enhancement.

For others, a lip lift is a better fit. The lip lift is beneficial for those whose primary concern is a ‘long’ upper lip, often coupled with a thin upper lip. During the lip lift procedure, Dr. Wan precisely removes a small amount of tissue between the base of the nose and the upper lip, with the scar concealed at the base of the nose. The goal is to draw the top lip upward, helping display more of the colored portion, known as the vermillion. At the same time, the contours of the upper lip are accentuated for a more youthful, radiant appearance. A lip lift is performed as an outpatient procedure, has a relatively short recovery time, and offers results you will enjoy for years to come!

A Lush Upper Lip

What are the benefits of a Lip Lift?

A lip lift provides a lasting improvement in the fullness and contours of your upper lip. Dr. Wan personalizes the procedure to reflect your individual goals and enhance the harmony of your facial features. The incision for a lip lift is well-concealed at the base of the nose. In addition to giving the upper lip a more lush appearance, the procedure can reveal more of your upper teeth, highlighting your smile. A lip lift procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia, and most people can return to normal, non-strenuous daily activities the following day.

Committed to Excellence

Your Lip Lift Consultation

When considering any cosmetic procedure, it is essential to work with a plastic surgeon whom you trust with your care. Dr. Dinah Wan is a board-certified plastic surgeon known for her scrupulous focus on quality and attentive bedside manner. She loves working with patients to realize their goals in a way that enhances their unique aesthetic. A lip lift offers the ability to subtly and naturally enhance your look at any age. We will never pressure you into any procedure. Rather, Dr. Wan equips you with the knowledge you need to make empowered choices. Call our office or complete our online form to schedule a personal consultation today.

Lip lift — Dinah Wan, M.D. Prosper

Expert Techniques

Your Lip Lift Procedure

A lip lift is performed on an outpatient basis and is a relatively quick procedure, usually taking less than an hour to complete. Once anesthesia has been administered, Dr. Wan creates an incision at the base of the nose. Next, she removes a small portion of excess skin and tissue between the upper lip and the nose, carefully lifting the upper lip to enhance its fullness and natural contours. The incision is then closed in multiple layers, using techniques to keep scarring minimal. The subtle placement and small size of the incision often make the hidden scar virtually imperceptible once it has healed. Dr. Wan will instruct you on step-by-step aftercare practices to minimize scarring.

A Well-Supported Recovery

Lip Lift Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery time for a lip lift is relatively short. Patients may resume most of their normal routine within a couple of days while avoiding activities that put stress on the treatment area. Mild swelling and discomfort are normal side effects that will diminish in a few days. Dr. Wan will provide clear aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Precautions during early healing include keeping the incision line clean and moisturized, eating soft foods, and staying away from alcohol and smoking. Dr. Wan will check your healing at post-operative visits, but you should never hesitate to call between visits with questions or concerns. It may take a few months for the incision line to fade and blend in with the surrounding tissue, at which point you can enjoy the enduring benefits of your lip lift.

Elevate Your Look

Lip Lift Results

After a lip lift, your upper lip will appear fuller with better definition of your natural lip contour. The distance of skin from the base of your nose to your upper lip will be shortened, resulting in a more refreshed, youthful appearance. You will also notice a more aesthetically pleasing upper tooth show, which conveys youthfulness. Dr. Wan always focuses on creating results that align with your vision and accentuate the natural beauty of your features. A lip lift is considered a permanent procedure since it involves removing a small amount of skin, and the results will last for many years.

Lip Lift
Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone seeking a permanent way to enhance their upper lip appearance and overall facial harmony may benefit from this procedure. Lip lift candidates have a relatively ‘long’ upper lip, typically coupled with a thin upper lip.

Yes, a small amount of skin is removed, permanently reducing the space between the nose and the upper lip.

Absolutely. Some patients combine a lip lift with other cosmetic facial procedures, such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), for more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Post-surgery swelling and bruising typically diminish within one to two weeks, but the incision line will take a few months to fade. You can apply cover-up makeup over the incision once it is fully healed (approximately two to three weeks after surgery) to help conceal the scar in the early phases.

A faint scar may be perceptible, but due to the small size and careful placement of the incision at the base of the nose, it tends to blend in very well. Dr. Wan provides guidance on minimizing potential scarring as part of her aftercare guidelines.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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