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Breast Reduction in Prosper, TX

Breast Reduction Surgery By Dinah Wan, M.D.

Breast Reduction at Prosper Plastic Surgery

Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dinah Wan, M.D., is known for her specialization in breast reduction surgery to reduce breast size, bringing a compassionate approach, deft surgical skill, and thoughtful artistry to each procedure. She is passionate about helping women who suffer with the physical and emotional discomfort of large, heavy breasts step into a healthier, more confident phase of their lives and embrace their most elegant contours. Schedule your Prosper breast reduction consultation today to meet with Dr. Wan and discuss your options.

Free is Beautiful

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, alleviates the discomfort of overly large breasts while providing more refined body contours. The procedure involves precisely removing excess breast tissue—including glandular tissue, fat, and skin—to reduce breast size and reshape the breasts.

This is one of Dr. Wan’s favorite surgeries to perform because of the life-changing results it provides. Balancing technical prowess with a keen eye for aesthetics, she sculpts away heaviness from the lower pole of the breast while maintaining blood supply to the nipples in the upper pole, providing a shapely body contour with long-lasting results.

Find Balance

What are the benefits of Breast Reduction?

Reduction mammaplasty provides benefits that extend beyond the outcomes of a regular cosmetic surgery. In addition to achieving more balanced proportions, most patients who have this surgery achieve much greater comfort through reducing, lifting, and reshaping overly large breasts. This includes relief from symptoms like chronic shoulder, back, and neck pain, chafing and skin rashes, shoulder dents left by bra straps, and poor posture that affects body alignment.

The surgery also elevates the breast mound relative to the chest wall for a higher, more comfortable center of gravity and a more aesthetically pleasing contour. Most women are extremely satisfied with the emotional and psychological benefits of the surgery, finding they are able to enjoy more clothing options, a wider range of physical activities, and improved confidence and body image.

Breast Reduction — Dinah Wan, M.D. Prosper

Expertise You Can Trust

Your Breast Reduction Consultation

If you think reduction mammaplasty could be right for you, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dinah Wan, MD. She spends ample time with every patient, listening to your goals and concerns and educating you about how the steps of the procedure might look for you—from the planning phase to full recovery—and the results you can expect to achieve. Before planning any surgery, she will assess your breasts and carefully review your medical history, including any family history of conditions that could impact your procedure. We want you to be fully informed and invested in this process and never pressured to undergo any procedure. For the right candidate, breast reduction performed by a highly skilled plastic surgeon can be life-changing. Call or complete our online form to schedule your personal consultation today.

Breast Reduction — Dinah Wan, M.D. Prosper

How Breast Reduction Works

Your Breast Reduction Procedure

The details of your surgery will be determined at your pre-operative appointments, ensuring you have an essential role in planning your procedure and a clear understanding of each step. Surgery typically takes three to four hours, followed by a brief monitoring period after surgery. You will need a trusted adult to drive you home afterward and, ideally, help you around the house during early healing. General anesthesia is administered for your comfort and safety throughout surgery. Incision placement is determined by factors like the amount of excess breast tissue and skin that needs to be removed, the degree of breast sagging, and nipple position. Common incision patterns for breast reduction include:

  • Anchor incision: Around the edge of the areola, vertically down the center of the breast, and horizontally along the crease under the breast.
  • Lollipop incision: Around the areola and vertically down the center of the breast.

Once the incisions are created, excess breast tissue—including glandular tissue, fat, and skin—are carefully removed. Dr. Wan focuses on preserving the integrity of the nipples while removing heavy or sagging tissue from the lower pole and sides of the breasts. The nipples are elevated to a more aesthetically pleasing location, and, if necessary, the size of the areolas can be reduced. Closing the incisions involves layering sutures within the breast tissue to provide extra support and reshaping.

Support Every Step of the Way

Breast Reduction Recovery and Aftercare

Patients should plan on taking one to two weeks off of work or school following breast reduction. Discomfort, swelling, and bruising peak during the first week and can be managed with prescribed pain medication and wearing a supportive surgical bra. Dr. Wan and her team will provide detailed aftercare instructions including good incision care, a timeline for activity restrictions, and when it is safe to resume more strenuous activity. It's essential to attend follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or questions that arise during this period. With proper care and guidance from Dr. Wan and her team, patients can expect to gradually return to their normal routine with smaller, more proportionate breasts and improved physical and emotional well-being.

Transformative Results

Breast Reduction Results

Reduction mammaplasty can be a transformative moment, bringing renewed comfort, a more positive self-image, and the ability to engage in a wider range of activities. If you feel held back by disproportionately large breasts, Dr. Wan is here to guide you through your journey toward relief and an enhanced quality of life. Redefine your future and write your own next chapter with our expert breast reduction surgeon.

Breast Reduction
Frequently Asked Questions

Women who experience neck, back, or shoulder pain or emotional discomfort as a result of overly large breasts may be good candidates for reduction mammaplasty. A good candidate is also in overall good health. Smoking increases the chance of complications and slow healing, so smokers will be advised to quit while preparing for, undergoing, and recovering from surgery. Patients who are obese or overweight are also at a greater risk for complications. If you are working to achieve a stable healthy weight or participating in a program to maintain weight loss, we can help you determine the best timing for your surgery.

Studies have shown that reduction mammaplasty may be associated with a lower risk of developing breast cancer. This may be related to the excess breast tissue removed during breast reduction surgery.

Breast reduction surgery usually involves a scar around the nipple and down the center of the breast (‘lollipop’ scar), and sometimes one hidden along the lower breast crease (‘anchor’ scar). Proper scar care and the skill of the surgeon can minimize the appearance of scars over time. Dr. Wan and her team will guide you through the scar care process as you recover from surgery.

You should plan to take approximately one to two weeks off of work or school.

Breast reduction surgery, performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon on a healthy patient, is generally a safe procedure. While there are inherent risks with any surgical procedure such as infection, bleeding, or delayed wound healing, working with a highly qualified surgeon, adhering to your aftercare instructions, and attending all post-operative visits greatly improve your chances of an excellent outcome with minimal complications. Dr. Wan will go over the risks and benefits of the procedure with you, helping you make informed decisions about your care.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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