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Breast Implant Removal in Prosper, TX

Shape Your Future

Breast Implant Removal at Prosper Plastic Surgery

Breast implants don’t last forever, with removal or replacement generally becoming necessary at some point. Breast implant removal, also known as explantation or explant surgery, is a specialized procedure that requires an in-depth understanding of breast anatomy and the effect of implants on the surrounding tissue over time.

Dr. Dinah Wan of Prosper Plastic Surgery specializes in breast implant revision and removal. She has published in peer-reviewed Plastic Surgery journals on breast implants and capsulectomy and performed this life-changing procedure for countless patients. Read on to learn when breast implant removal or revision is indicated, how it works, and why working with a highly qualified surgeon is important to achieve the best possible results.

Expertise and Compassion

What is Breast Implant Removal?

Although breast implants offer long-lasting figure enhancement, they typically need to be removed or replaced within one to two decades of their placement. For some women, issues like capsular contracture or implant rupture can necessitate removal sooner.

Other women may simply wish to update their look with different implants or remove their implants altogether. Whether you are ready to return to a more natural size or you would like to replace your implants to improve your comfort or update your look, Dr. Wan brings years of experience and research to this procedure, ensuring you achieve the most natural-looking and harmonious result possible.

Start a New Chapter

What are the benefits of Breast Implant Removal?

Some women may wish to remove their implants due to a change in aesthetic preferences. Achieving better physical comfort is also a frequently cited reason for implant removal. Other women experience implant complications. Capsular contracture is when the implant becomes bound by thick scar tissue, causing the breasts to appear and feel firm. Implants can also rupture, causing the saline or silicone material to seep out. These variations in individual needs make implant removal a highly personalized procedure that allows you to define what comes next.

Breast Implant Removal  Prosper

Support From
Day One

Your Breast Implant Removal Consultation

We understand the importance of finding a provider you trust to provide beautiful results. It’s essential to work with a surgeon who listens carefully to your goals, questions, and concerns and helps you visualize the possibilities for your outcome. Dr. Wan emphasizes an open and in-depth planning process that depends on your collaboration. Schedule your Prosper breast implant removal consultation with Dr. Wan to discuss your goals. This meeting typically lasts around an hour and helps you and Dr. Wan understand your needs and lay the groundwork for pre-surgical planning.

The Art of Precision

Your Breast Implant Removal Procedure

Implant removal is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient surgery. The details of your explant surgery will be outlined during pre-operative planning. Dr. Wan may perform diagnostic imaging tests to detect any complications with your existing implants. Planning may also include selecting implants for implant replacement if you wish to have them replaced or planning for a breast lift to tighten the loose skin and restore elevation and shape. Any of the following methods may be incorporated into your procedure, depending on your needs.

Additional Reading

Capsulectomy: Capsulectomy refers to the surgical removal of the scar tissue (capsule) that forms around the breast implant. This procedure may be necessary if the capsule has become thickened or hardened (capsular contracture) or if there are concerns about implant-related complications. Dr. Wan is an expert in capsulectomy, having researched and published in peer-reviewed plastic surgery journals on this technique in addition to her years of advanced experience in the operating room. 

Rupture Correction: If your breast implant has ruptured, Dr. Wan will remove any remaining leaked implant material from the surrounding tissue and thoroughly clean the area.

Implant Displacement Correction: Implant displacement refers to the malposition of breast implants from their original position within the breast pocket. If other methods have not helped, implant removal or exchange with pocket revision can resolve this.

Implant Exchange: Some patients choose to undergo implant exchange during explant surgery, either to replace their existing implants with new ones or to switch to a different size or type of implant (e.g., silicone to saline or vice versa). During the consultation and pre-operative planning, Dr. Wan will discuss your options and preferences regarding implant size, shape, and material.

Breast Lift: If you do not wish to replace your old implants with new ones, Dr. Wan may recommend incorporating a breast lift into your surgery to tighten the breast skin envelope after implant removal. This step involves removing excess skin, reshaping the breast tissue, and repositioning the nipple-areolar complex to achieve a more balanced contour. 

Breast implant removal or revision surgery can range from one to four hours, depending on the procedures involved. After surgery, patients typically return home the same day in the company of a friend or family member to drive them.

Comfort + Confidence

Breast Implant Removal Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery process is a key phase of any surgical procedure. Dr. Wan will give you detailed aftercare instructions and check your healing at several post-operative visits. You must plan for several weeks of somewhat limited activity levels, avoiding strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, and any activities that jostle or strain the chest area. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are most prevalent during the first week after your procedure. After about two weeks, you can return to most light activities while continuing to follow aftercare guidelines. Dr. Wan’s technique focuses on keeping scarring minimal, but it’s important to remember that it will take time for the scars to flatten and fade. Over the course of the first year after surgery, you can expect the appearance of the incision lines to continue to improve.

The Beauty-Wellness Connection

Breast Implant Removal Results

Breast implant removal can be a liberating procedure, letting you reclaim better health following complications or realign your contours to reflect your vision for yourself. As the breast tissue settles into place, your ultimate results will emerge. Symptoms related to complications will resolve, enhancing your wellness and comfort. At the same time, you can enjoy the boost in confidence and self-esteem that comes with breasts that compliment your figure and reflect your aesthetic goals.

Breast Implant Removal  Prosper

Breast Implant Removal
Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Wan may recommend combining implant removal with a breast lift to reduce excess tissue and sagging created by the implant and the natural aging process. Each implant removal surgery culminates in careful planning and consideration of any existing complications like implant rupture or capsular contracture. Our goal is to, if possible, safely perform all necessary procedures together with your Breast Implant Removal surgery in order to minimize your need for additional surgery down the road.

It is important to understand that your breasts will not regain their exact pre-implant appearance. Our patients benefit from Dr. Wan’s clinical experience in performing implant removal surgery. Dr. Wan focuses on crafting shapely contours that complement your curves while keeping visible scarring minimal.

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. While some implants may last for many years without complications, others may require removal or replacement sooner due to implant rupture, capsular contracture, implant displacement, or changes in aesthetic preferences. Breast implants are expected to last on average 10 years, continuing to provide enhancement for as long as the implant is in good condition and you are satisfied with your result.

The price of Breast Implant Removal surgery is determined by the adjunct procedures needed, such as breast lift or capsulectomy, which can vary greatly from one patient to the next. During the consultation and planning phase, we will assess your needs to create a personal treatment plan and provide an estimate of associated costs.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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