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Breast Lift in Prosper, TX

Lift. Look. Love.

Breast Lift at Prosper Plastic Surgery

If you're considering a breast lift to enhance the shape and position of your breasts, you've come to the right place. Dr. Dinah Wan, a highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeon, specializes in breast lift procedures, providing top-notch care and remarkable transformations. With Dr. Wan's wealth of experience and commitment to individualized treatment, you're in capable hands. Delve into our detailed resources on breast lift surgery to discover more about the procedure, its advantages, and what to anticipate as you embark on your journey toward a look for yourself that you’ll love.

Designed for You

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and reshaping the breasts to create a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. This procedure is commonly sought after by women who experience sagging or drooping breasts due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics.

Dr. Wan excels in her breast lift technique, often utilizing the "lollipop" incision method to minimize scarring or incorporating an anchor incision pattern to maximize the lifting effect. She prioritizes preserving blood supply to the nipple while repositioning it upwards to ensure a beautiful and natural-looking result. Excess skin is removed from the lower breast to create a tighter, more lifted skin envelope.

Comfort Meets Elegance

What are the benefits of a Breast Lift?

A breast lift blends comfort with elegance for a rejuvenated silhouette. First, it restores a youthful contour by lifting sagging breasts, enhancing their shape and position on the chest. This can alleviate discomfort associated with breast ptosis (sagging) and improve overall body proportion. The procedure can boost self-confidence and body image, by helping patients feel more comfortable and attractive in their skin.

By removing excess skin and reshaping breast tissue, a breast lift provides a firmer, more uplifted appearance, contributing to a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The repositioning of the nipple and areola from the lower breast to the center of the breast also creates a more proportionate and balanced look. Ultimately, a breast lift can enhance physical appearance and elevate emotional well-being, allowing patients to embrace their femininity without sacrificing comfort or aesthetics.

Prosper, TX: Transform Your Breasts with Dr. Dinah Wan - Expert Breast Lifts! Prosper

Restore Your Confidence

Your Breast Lift Consultation

Have pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or time taken a toll on your breasts?  You're not alone. Dr. Dinah Wan, a board-certified plastic surgeon, can help you achieve rejuvenated and perkier breasts through breast lift surgery. Here are some reasons why choosing a female breast lift specialist like Dr. Wan will help optimize your results:

Take the first step towards renewed confidence. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wan and explore your breast lift options.

Prosper, TX: Transform Your Breasts with Dr. Dinah Wan - Expert Breast Lifts! Prosper

The Art of Harmony

Your Breast Lift Procedure

During a breast lift, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is reshaped to lift and support the breasts’ position on the chest. This results in a firmer, more uplifted breast contour. The nipple and areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple) are repositioned upward to the center of the breast. The areola may also be resized and/or reshaped to enhance the overall appearance of the breasts.

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It typically involves incisions made around the areola, extending vertically down the central breast, and sometimes horizontally along the breast crease. The specific technique will depend on the individual's anatomy, the degree of breast sagging, and the desired outcome.

Redefining Beauty

Breast Lift Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from a breast lift procedure varies for each person but generally involves a period of rest and limited physical activity. Patients may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort following surgery, which can be managed with pain medication and proper post-operative care. Dr. Wan will go through your anticipated recovery timeline as part of your surgical plan, but in most cases, you can expect to return to an office setting after about a week. You will be instructed to limit strenuous upper body activity and heavy lifting for four to six weeks after surgery.

Stunning Breast Lift Transformations

Breast Lift Results

A breast lift can help restore a more youthful and perky appearance, boost self-confidence, and enhance body proportions. Consult with Dr. Dinah Wan to determine if a breast lift is the right option for your specific needs and goals.

Breast Lift
Frequently Asked Questions

You may be a candidate for a Breast Lift if you have sagging or drooping breasts due to factors like aging, pregnancy, or weight loss, and you are seeking a more shapely, elevated appearance.

Breast Lift surgery can be combined with other procedures like breast augmentation (implants) or reduction for comprehensive enhancement.

Breast Lift surgery can affect breastfeeding ability and nipple sensation, as the procedure involves reshaping breast tissue and repositioning the nipples. While many women can still breastfeed after a breast lift, there may be a slight decrease in milk production or changes in nipple sensation. However, the extent of these changes varies among individuals and depends on factors such as the surgical technique and individual anatomy. Dr. Wan takes great care to preserve blood flow to the nipples during surgery to help reduce the chance of side effects to the nipples.

Schedule Your DFW Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dinah Wan, MD.

Achieve exquisitely natural-looking results with an empathetic and talented plastic surgeon who understands your goals and exceeds your expectations. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dinah Wan to begin your expertly personalized treatment.

240 S. Preston Road, Suite 40, Prosper, TX 75078

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